At The Spelmore Institute (TSI) one of our core values is to be ‘International in standards, competence and awareness” which is why we promote a welcoming and inclusive admissions policy, whilst still providing our services to the wider local community.

Times of Admission: Students may be admitted to TSI at the beginning of each term at the discretion of the Principal and TSI Management.

Competitive Entrance Tests: The entrance tests are not centred on any one national educational system, and include an observed classroom activity.

Parental partnership: Parents must complete Admission Form found on the website. Admission is conditional upon parental agreement that students will participate fully in the curriculum and all related activities.

Our Vision of providing a holistic learning experience informs our Health and Wellness policy. In line with this, our uniform will include Natural fibres as far as possible, as they are comfortable to wear, a sustainable resource, renewable, biodegradable and carbon neutral, and can be used without depleting or damaging the environment.

As one of our Core Values is self-discipline, we believe that wearing and preserving a neat uniform is a reflection of self-discipline, and we strongly promote this.

Our ‘African-centred’ Core Value, is also reflected in the school uniform. We hope that this will encourage students to show an interest in the culture of the African continent, as they strive to realize their goals as leaders and entrepreneurs.

Our aim is to have a uniform that is sensible, practical and easily maintained; and one that students will wear with pride. Students should be dressed smartly and in an appropriate way; fit for a learning environment and ready to study. Every student is expected to meet our high standards of dress and to take a pride in their appearance.

At TSI we are also committed to parent-partnership and involve parents in the effective and consistent implementation of school policies.

KS2- Green/white cottong tops and turquoise bottoms, with African cloth band

KS3- Yellow/white cotton tops and turquoise bottoms, with African cloth band

KS4- Purple/White cotton tops and turquoise bottoms, with African cloth band

At the Spelmore Institute (TSI), as part of our ‘parent-partner’ mission, we engage the support and involvement of parents not only in the education process, but also in our efforts to keep their children safe while at the school. As we respect and value each child, we also encourage and support parents to take appropriate measures to keep their children safe when not at school.

This policy is consistent with all TSI policies, and may be read in conjunction with the current Safeguarding Policy and Attendance and Registration Policy.


  • Registers of arrival and attendance will be maintained at the Security Gate and by the class teacher at the first lesson, and in the afternoon period.
  • The Administration Office will be informed of all pupil absences and liaise with parents.
  • No child is permitted to leave the school premises without being accompanied by an adult nominated on their individual Admissions Form.
  • Parents are expected to notify the Office Administrator of pupil absence immediately.
  • Parental Partnership

Parents must complete and keep updated the ‘Nominated Adult’ section of the Admissions Form; and provide alternative contacts. In cases of emergency, the list of nominated adults will be used.

Parents are advised to teach their children a range of strategies to remain safe, including, amongst a number of others:

  • Teach your child their name, address and telephone number and your first and last name.
  • Teach them how to call the emergency numbers for help.
  • Make sure children know how to make local and long distance telephone calls.

At the Spelmore Institute (TSI), as part of our ‘parent-partner’ mission, we engage the support and involvement of parents in the education process, through which we equip our students with the skills and personal resources needed to thrive in society. To this aim, we stress to parents the importance of 100% attendance and that it is vital for academic success. Therefore, we expect parents to ensure that their children attend at all times, even if they are feeling unwell, except in the highly rare circumstances when a child is suffering from a dangerously contagious illness or disease.

This policy is consistent with all TSI policies, and may be read in conjunction with the current Safeguarding Policy and Anti-Kidnapping and Child Abduction Policy.


Registers: Pupils must arrive by 7:15 am; on arrival they will be marked ‘in’ on the File Report Register at the Security Desk. Pupils arriving after 7:15 am will be marked as ‘late’ and may receive a detention. Pupils late due to hospital appointments must provide a signed letter from a parent, which will be confirmed by the Office Administrator.

There will be a Class Register taken at the first lesson and in the afternoon at 3:50pm

Once on the school premises, no pupil is permitted to leave before the school day is over without authorisation verified by the Office Administrator.

No pupil is allowed to leave the school premises without being signed out, and without being accompanied by an adult nominated on their individual Admissions Form.


At the Spelmore Institute (TSI) one of our core values is to be responsible to community, society and our nation. In so doing, we want to ensure that we have an effective and responsive complaints policy, which will allow us to maintain open communication with parents and work towards maintaining a successful parent-partnership.

Roles and Responsibilities

The responsibility for the implementation of this policy and provision rests with the Principal. On an operational basis, the management, responsibility and evaluation of this policy is undertaken by the Office Administrator.


The aim of this policy and accompanying procedure is to achieve a fair, effective and speedy resolution of parental/carer concerns about the education and/or welfare of individual pupils in the care of TSI.

This policy and procedure is available on request to pupils, parents / carers and prospective pupils of TSI. While pupils may themselves raise concerns and complaints under this policy and procedure, the school will involve parents/carers should this occur. Copies of the complaints policy are available from: the Administration Office.


This policy and procedure is for the benefit of pupils and parents/carers of pupils at TSI. This policy and procedure will be relied upon in respect of all complaints by parents/carers and pupils made against the school except in respect of:

(a) Child Protection allegations where a separate policy and procedure applies

(b) Appeals relating to internal assessment decisions for external qualifications, where a separate appeals procedure applies

The school expects that most concerns should be resolved informally and will use its best endeavours to resolve any complaints that are made informally, or any concerns that are raised, on that basis.

If informal procedures fail to resolve the issue, a formal complaint about any matter not involving child protection allegations, internal assessment decisions or a decision to exclude a pupil, must be given verbally or in writing to the Principal and will be dealt with under this Complaints Policy and Procedure.

Every complaint shall receive fair and proper consideration and a timely response.

We will do all we can to resolve all concerns, to ensure parents, carers are satisfied with the education that their child receives at TSI.

Parents / carers can be assured that all complaints and expressions of concern, whether raised informally or formally, will be treated seriously and confidentially.

Correspondence, statements and records will remain confidential except where required by law.


It is the vision of TSI to inspire future leaders through holistic education that champions global enterprise and innovation. We have adopted as core values the importance of Responsibility, Self-Discipline and Ethics to enable us to achieve this vision. Therefore, the aims of this Disciplinary Policy are to provide a framework within which TSI can maintain satisfactory standards of conduct and to encourage improvement where necessary. This procedure will cover conduct, not issues related to genuine sickness absence or poor performance. In those cases, reference should be made to agreements and the school’s professional code.

This policy must be read in conjunction with other TSI policies, in particular the Safeguarding Policy, Staff Code of Conduct and the Professional Code of Conduct for Teachers.


Misconduct might be a series of minor offences or a single incident. Misconduct falls into two categories: general misconduct and gross misconduct. The nature and severity of the alleged offence will determine the form of disciplinary action invoked. Gross misconduct will result in either a final written warning or summary dismissal, which may be without notice or with pay in lieu of notice when the nature of the case is such that the School cannot allow the individual to continue at work.

Minor conduct issues can often be resolved informally between an employee and their line manager or the Principal. These discussions should be held in private and without undue delay whenever there is cause for concern. Formal steps will be taken under this procedure if the matter is not resolved, or if informal discussion is not appropriate (for example, because of the seriousness of the allegation).


Our aim is to deal with disciplinary matters sensitively and with due respect for the privacy of any individuals involved. All employees must treat as confidential any information communicated to them in connection with an investigation or disciplinary matter.

Employees, and anyone accompanying them (including witnesses), must not make electronic recordings of any meetings or hearings conducted under this procedure.


Following any investigation, if the School considers there are grounds for disciplinary action, the employee will be required to attend a disciplinary hearing. The School will confirm in writing the basis for the allegations and what the likely range of consequences will be if it decides after the hearing that the allegations are true. Employees will be given all relevant documentation gathered during the investigation.

In most cases, the Principal will deal with disciplinary hearings for teachers or support staff. The employee will be advised in writing of the date, time, place of hearing, who will be involved, the nature of the complaint being made and given copies of any supporting information, including statements taken as part of an investigation.

At the disciplinary hearing, the chair will go through the allegations and the evidence that has been gathered. The employee will be able to respond and present any evidence of their own.

Having considered the matter the chair may announce the decision orally to the employee or may reserve the determination of the matter and choose to inform the employee in writing within a reasonable period of time.

Any verbal decision will be confirmed in writing within a reasonable period of time.


The usual penalties for misconduct are set out below. Employees may be dismissed for a first act of misconduct if it amounts to gross misconduct, with or without a Disciplinary Hearing, or the employee is still in their probationary period.

Misconduct on the part of the Employee shall consist, without prejudice to the generality thereof of the following acts –

a. Stealing, falsification of accounts or records, fraud or any other form of dishonesty;

b. Deliberate acts calculated to cause or likely to cause injury or damage to the Employer’s property or business or injury to other employees or persons at the place of work.

c. Wilful refusal to carry out proper and reasonable instruction.

d. Rude, abusive and violent conduct near or at the place of work.

e. Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs at or near the place of work.

f. Wilful disregard for safety.

g. Incompetence in the performance of duties.

h. Negligent and reckless conduct.

i. Abuse of confidential information.

j. Conviction for a criminal offence.

k. Persistent lateness to and absenteeism from work without good reason.

l. Sexual harassment of students or other staff, including volunteers and interns- see Sexual Harassment Policy

First written warning where there has been a first act of misconduct which the employer following investigation does not deem to be gross misconduct, and the employee is not subject to any other active written warnings, the employee will be advised that a failure to improve or a repetition of the misconduct may result in further disciplinary action.

Final written warning where there has been misconduct and an active warning is already in place or in the case of a first but serious breach of discipline. This warning must state that failure to improve or any repetition may result in dismissal.

Dismissal with or without notice where any misconduct takes place in the probationary period, or further misconduct which takes place where a final written warning is already on an employee’s record, or for gross misconduct regardless of whether an employee has received previous disciplinary warnings; or for a conclusion of unsatisfactory teaching performance on assessment.

Where the Employee is accused of misconduct, the matter shall be investigated as fully as practicable without delay.


In some cases alternatives to dismissal may be considered at the employer’s sole discretion. These will usually be accompanied by a final written warning. Examples include:

  1. Demotion
  2. A period of suspension without pay (one month)
  3. Reduction in pay

Provided that where the status of the Employee is to be reduced, he/she must be given full information about the alternative position being offered to him/her to enable the employee to decide whether to accept or reject it.


At The Spelmore Institute (TSI) one of the Core Values is to be ‘Ethical- Guided by rules that promote fairness, respect and dignity’. The Governing Body of TSI aims to promote this Core Value by providing an appropriate learning experience for all pupils, whatever their colour, origin, culture, gender, or religion.

It is the responsibility of all staff to educate against any form of prejudice or negative stereotyping and to ensure that their conduct with pupils and colleagues reflects this responsibility at all times.

We value the individuality of all of our children. We are committed to giving all our children every opportunity to achieve the highest of standards. We do this by taking account of pupils’ varied experiences and needs. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum, and have high expectations of all children. The achievements, attitudes and well-being of all our children matter.

Our Equal Opportunities Policy is intended to help to ensure that this school promotes the individuality of all children. We value each pupil’s worth, we celebrate the individuality and cultural diversity of the pupils in our school.

We are aware that prejudice and stereotyping are caused by poor self-image and by ignorance. Through positive educational experiences, and support for each individual’s legitimate point of view, we aim to promote positive social attitudes, and respect for all.

Positive Action

Under-represented groups will be encouraged to apply for training and employment opportunities within the school. Recruitment to all jobs will be strictly on merit.

Efforts will be made to identify and remove unnecessary and unjustifiable barriers and to provide appropriate facilities and conditions of service to meet the needs of under- represented groups.


TSI’s Governing Body has the highest aspirations to ensure that the health, safety and well-being of every child and member of staff is protected and promoted. Our aspirations are that every child will look forward to learning and that through a safe, but challenging programme of learning; both in and out of the classroom, every child will develop and progress to the best of their potential.

Roles and Responsibilities

All members of the school community (teaching and non-teaching staff, parents, pupils and governors) will work towards the school’s aims by:

  • Being fully aware of their own responsibilities for maintaining a safe and healthy environment
  • Using common sense at all times to take responsible care for their own safety and that of others
  • Reporting any unidentified hazards without delay

The school has a Governing Body that sets this policy and through the Principal will effectively implement, monitor and review its effectiveness. A Governor will be the named Health & Safety Governor who will be involved in the school’s Health & Safety Audit.

All staff

Every member of staff is responsible for having a clear understanding of the health and safety arrangements of the school in relation to other staff, pupils and volunteer helpers under their supervision. In particular, staff will monitor their own work activities

All pupils

  • Every pupil must exercise personal responsibility for the safety of themselves and their fellow pupils

There are detailed arrangements for:

First Aid, Reporting and Recording Accidents, Issuing Medicines, Fire Safety Arrangements, Annual Safety Audit, Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) regulations, Electrical Safety, Visitors, Sickness and Dealing with Bodily Fluids, Hand washing and Hygiene, Food Preparation, Medical Room and others.


This policy seeks to implement the vision of the Spelmore Institute TSI: To provide an inspirational system of ‘Holistic Enterprise Education’ guided by traditional values, innovation and purpose. It is compatible with all other TSI policies.

This policy is designed to create and maintain an environment and procedures that:

  • Establish a culture within TSI that makes pupils, staff and parents feel included, respected, valued and listened to
  • Promotes the health and wellbeing of TSI pupils through a wholefood diet and exercise
  • Makes the learning experience a positive one, enriching pupils with valuable social skills and resources

At TSI we ensure that the curriculum is infused with child-centred activities, both during the teaching of core subjects, and the co-curriculum classes and clubs.

It is a consistent policy of TSI to motivate pupils and raise their confidence, teachers may start a lesson by reminding them they are all winners, gifted and able; and give feedback that is balanced and constructive

There is a daily positive message written on the main noticeboard and displayed throughout the day and referred to in the assembly.

The learning environment, both inside the classrooms and the common areas, are decorated and designed to be colourful and natural.

The school is fully committed to ensuring that all pupils stay safe, adopt healthy lifestyles and enjoy and achieve in their education. The school acknowledges that parents are the prime educators of their children and have the main responsibility for their diet. However, the school actively supports healthy eating and drinking throughout the school day, and ensures that all aspects of food and nutrition in school promote the health and well-being of pupils, staff and visitors to the school. A good diet is important for good health. A healthy and varied diet can help maintain a healthy body weight, enhance general well-being and reduce the number of diseases such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and osteoporosis. Healthy eating also promotes achievement. In this context, the school’s commitment to healthy food is essential for the school to meet its overall goals and ensure the health and well-being of its students.

We also ensure that there are gender sensitive facilities and resources provided for our pupils and staff.

The Spelmore Institute (TSI) pursues a parent-partner philosophy as we equip our students with the skills and personal resources they will need to thrive with dignity and purpose in an ever-evolving world. Through weekly homework, and weekend or holiday assignments we rely on the support and involvement of parents to ensure productive student assessment.

Assessment at TSI is used to ensure students understand concepts and standards in a subject. It allows teachers to adjust and ensure students are learning. Assessment will also take into consideration the different learning styles of pupils; and is a measurement of mastery of a subject’s outcomes.

Homework and motivation:

It is understood that quality feedback on homework is more motivating for students than completion points (Stiggins 2006, Vatterott 2011). This means staff will provide consistent, quality, and timely feedback on homework. This feedback may be for individual students or for the entire class.

To motivate, Homework will be assessed on:

*Content and Accuracy

*Effort and Progression

*Presentation and Neatness

Feedback will highlight:

*What went well…

*What could be better if…

*The action point for most improvement going forward…

Homework Guidelines for Teachers

  • Be certain students clearly understand all homework assignments
  • Assign Homework according to the current Homework Timetable
  • Homework must include:

-Something to do

-Something to learn

  • Ensure Homework addresses class outcomes and standards
  • Provide timely, quality feedback
  • Communicate with parents when students fall behind on homework assignments
  • Assign no more than 30 minutes of homework per night per class (Cooper, H. 2014) or in accordance with the Homework Timetable as agreed from time to time.
  • Range of Assessment /Testing activities to reflect learning styles:
  • Not only written papers, include debates, discussion roles
  • peer teaching exercises
  • pupil projects
  • team projects
  • research projects

Guidance for Parents/Guardians

Homework is an integral part of school life, and in today’s hectic lifestyle, must be included in a daily routine. As parents/guardians, you play an important role in creating an environment where your son/daughter can complete all homework tasks effectively.

Routine- Establishing a homework routine will help encourage your son/daughter to view homework as a daily and necessary exercise.

Atmosphere- It is of paramount importance that the correct atmosphere is created for undertaking homework. A quiet place without distractions should be used. Television, mobile phone, tablets, computer games and such activities should only be permitted when homework has been completed. Ensure others in the household respect the efforts of your child in doing his/her homework.

Provide a well-ventilated room, with good lighting, a desk/table without clutter, and a comfortable chair.

Diet- A good diet, including plenty of water, is essential to maintain and sustain your child’s hydration and concentration.

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in our school is the responsibility of the whole school community. All adults working in this School (including visiting staff,

volunteers and students on placement) are required to report instances of actual or suspected child abuse or neglect to the Principal or Office Administrator, or the Designated Safeguarding Lead whose name will be displayed in the Administrative Office.

Types of child abuse and neglect

Abuse: a form of maltreatment of a child. Somebody may abuse or neglect a child by inflicting harm, or by failing to act to prevent harm. They may be abused by an adult or adults or another child or children.

All staff will receive training on Child Protection policies and implementation. In addition, all staff members will receive safeguarding and child protection updates (for example, via email, e-bulletins and staff meetings), as required, but at least annually, to provide them with relevant skills and knowledge to safeguard children effectively. All newly recruited staff (teaching and non-teaching) and Governors will be apprised of this policy and will be required to attend training.


TSI is committed to the principles of safer recruitment and, as part of that, adopts recruitment procedures that help deter, reject and/or identify people who might abuse children. Safe recruitment processes are followed and all staff recruited to the school will be subject to appropriate identity, qualification and health checks. References will be verified and appropriate criminal record checks.

Any parent or other person/organisation engaged by the school to work in a voluntary capacity with pupils will be subject to all reasonable vetting procedures and Criminal Records Checks.

All staff (paid and voluntary) are expected to adhere to the TSI Code of Conduct in respect of their contact with pupils and their families. All teachers, including Principals, should safeguard children’s well being and maintain public trust in the teaching profession as part of their professional duties. Children will be treated with respect and dignity and no punishment, detention, restraint, sanctions or rewards should undermine these rights. Whilst it would be unrealistic and undesirable to preclude all physical contact between adults and children, staff are expected to exercise caution and avoid placing themselves in a position where their actions might be open to criticism or misinterpretation.

At the Spelmore Institute (TSI) it is one of our Core Values to be: “Ethical: Guided by rules that promote fairness, respect and dignity”, which demands that bullying should not be tolerated at our school, and that measures should be taken to actively prevent it wherever possible.

The Governors also recognize that: ‘It is a basic entitlement of all children that they receive their education free from humiliation, oppression and abuse. Education is compulsory in our society and therefore it is the responsibility of all adults to ensure that it takes place in an atmosphere which is caring and protective.’ D P Tattum.



The overall aims of this policy are the prevention of bullying and should instances of bullying occur, to help staff and pupils to deal with it effectively.

In this respect the school seeks:

  • To ensure that pupils learn in a supportive, caring and safe environment, without fear of being bullied
  • To ensure that everyone connected with the school is aware of the nature and types of bullying that may occur, both in and out of school; their causes and effects
  • To ensure high expectations of pupils’ behaviour, as detailed in the school’s behaviour policy
  • To use all pupils, staff and parents as a positive resource in the elimination of any form of bullying, drawing on peer pressure as a means of preventing bullying
  • To ensure that everyone connected with the school is aware that bullying is totally unacceptable
  • To ensure that everyone is aware of their responsibilities in addressing bullying issues
  • To provide regular staff training in relation to the prevention of and response to bullying
  • To develop effective strategies to prevent bullying
  • To provide a consistent school response to any bullying and have clear procedures for dealing with incidents
  • To provide support for both victim and bully

Bullying can include name-calling, taunting, mocking, making offensive comments, kicking, hitting, pushing, taking belongings, inappropriate touching, producing offensive graffiti, spreading hurtful and untruthful rumours or regularly excluding someone from groups or games. It is also bullying when a young person is pressured to act against their will by others or is harassed by unwanted conduct, which violates a person’s dignity or creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading or humiliating environment.

All Staff

It is essential that all members of staff contribute to create a school ethos which does not tolerate bullying and minimises the likelihood of incidents ever occurring.

Staff will be aware of and exploit aspects the curriculum and wider aspects of school life where they can include the topic of bullying, including its dangers, how to prevent it and the steps to take when it occurs.

In any case where bullying is reported or suspected, staff must follow the policy procedures.

Objectives of the Policy

The Spelmore Institute (TSI) holds Ethical Conduct as one of its key values that we should be: “Guided by rules that promote fairness, respect and integrity.” At TSI we are committed to creating and maintaining a learning environment free from intimidation, exploitation and abuse. To achieve this objective, TSI has adopted this policy on sexual harassment and misconduct which is intended to guide us towards this goal.

The objectives of this policy are to:

1. Take actions seeking to prevent sexual harassment and misconduct through education and awareness creation.

2. Prohibit and sanction sexual harassment and sexual misconduct offenses.

3. Investigate allegations and reports of incidents of sexual harassment and sexual misconduct in TSI.

4. Administer appropriate disciplinary measures when a violation is found to have occurred as provided by this policy.

5. Ensure that victims of sexual harassment and sexual misconduct or anyone who participates in the investigation do not face retaliation or stigmatisation.

    1. Definition of Sexual harassment and other forms of sexual misconduct

(A) Sexual Harassment:

      1. This is defined as an unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature including unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favours and other verbal, non-verbal, written, electronic, graphic or physical conduct or behaviour of a sexual nature when: i. Submission to or rejection of such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment, academic standing or participation in an educational programme or activity; or ii. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for academic or employment decisions or for academic evaluations, grades or advancement affecting that individual; or

iii. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s academic or work performance, or of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational or working environment.

Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Policy present between a teacher and an adult student, a supervisor and a subordinate or a senior and junior colleague. As a result of this power differential, a student’s “voluntary” participation in a sexual relationship with an individual in a position of power does not on its own demonstrate that the conduct was welcome.

TSI prohibits sexual relationships between individuals where there is an imbalance of power such that one individual is in a position to make decisions that affect the educational opportunities or career of the other.

(B)  Other forms of sexual misconduct:

In addition to sexual harassment, other forms of sexual misconduct include the following, either directly in person, through others, or through electronic means, with every case considered individually:

• Sexual or amorous behaviour with students or subordinates,

• Staff exploiting relationships with subordinate staff or students for sexual ends,

• Staff conferring undue favours to influence subordinate staff or students to yield to sexual desires,

• Sexual abuse,

• Sexual assault,

• Sexually exploitative and degrading behaviour,

• Retaliatory and abusive behaviours directed towards either former relationship partners or individuals who have rejected the sexual advances of another

• Sexual intimidation.

For the purpose of this policy, sexual harassment shall be defined to include acts or behaviour constituting sexual abuse and sexual assault which occur within the definitional scope of TSI’s policy in relation to members of TSI community.

1. Introduction
1.1 The Spelmore Institute (TSI) is a multicultural ‘parent-partner’ learning centre at the heart of its community, providing day and boarding school facilities for students.
Our vision is: “To inspire future leaders through holistic education that champions global enterprise and innovation.” To realize this vision, our curriculum is designed to promote a respect for the environment and its humanity; a love of life-long learning and enquiry; and a guide for students to develop independence, ‘balanced life’ and ‘creative thinking’ skills.
1.2 Our teaching methods recognize that children learn, (or access information and understand concepts) in different ways, each of equal value and relevance; and ensure that lessons involve collaboration, movement, research and exploration. We ensure that project-based Entrepreneurship and History, from a global and inclusive perspective, permeates the curriculum.
1.3 The curriculum should be seen in its widest sense as the entire planned learning experience. This includes formal lessons as well as events, routines and learning that take place outside the classroom, during Homework or on School Trips. The Curriculum Policy is consistent with the overall Vision and Core Values of the School, which are at the heart of its Curriculum objectives.

2. Curriculum Aims
• Successful learners who enjoy independent and collaborative learning; who make progress as creators and innovators; and who achieve their academic and social potential.
• Confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy, balanced and fulfilling lives.
• Responsible and compassionate citizens who can make a positive contribution to family, community and society.

3. Curriculum Delivery
3.1 Curriculum delivery facilitates blended learning, showing the interconnections between subjects and provide opportunities for cross-curricula projects, based on termly themes; and group learning of different subjects.
3.2 The curriculum also promotes ‘inquiry based learning’, so that students develop and practice the research, analytical, problem solving and communication skills that will be needed to navigate their way effectively in the modern world.
3.3 Also, curriculum delivery involves responsible adults other than teachers. These include parent-facilitators, graduates, artists, sports people and people from industry and business to support curriculum delivery.
3.4 The support of parents, as part of our Parent-Partner ethos, is central to the curriculum delivery, as TSI expects parents to support children’s learning by creating a nurturing and supportive homework environment, assistance with projects, and promoting wellness and wellbeing in the home. Parents are also to prepare their child for the learning experience, ensuring they have the materials and social skills to participate. Parents are to be engaged in activities in the school, including as Mentors, Parent-Facilitators and Escorts for school trips.

4. Curriculum Content:
4.1 Our Parents can access the standard British Curriculum through the Parent Portal.

4.2 The Standard Curriculum is enhanced by alternative education options which helps students to harness their unique strengths, promote their emotional and intellectual development. The learning experience is child-centred and collaborative, incorporating different teaching and learning methods, research projects, and presentations:

KS1= Year 1-2 (ages 5-7): Core- English, Maths, Science, Art; Additional includes- History/Geography, ICT
KS2= Year 3-6 (ages 7-11): Core- English, Maths, Science, (Verbal & Non Verbal Reasoning), Geography, French; Additional includes- ICT, Global History, Entrepreneurship, Art, Project work
KS3= Year 7-9 (ages 11-14): Core- English (Language, Literature), Maths, Sciences, Geography, French; Additional includes- Global History, Entrepreneurship, Critical Thinking, Computer Science, Project work
KS4= Year 10-11 (ages 14-16): Core Electives- English (Language, Literature), Maths, Sciences, Geography, French, History, Economics (additional options soon); Additional Global History, Entrepreneurship, Project work

The week includes Qiqong and Mindfulness practice throughout the week.

*Fridays: Music, Twi, Martial Arts and Self-Defence, Drama, Design & Technology, introducing Mandarin soon
*Clubs: Including Debating, Chess, French, Drama, S.T.E.M Masters
*Hours: Monday to Friday 7.15 to 3.30, with clubs until 4.30; later collection is available by paid arrangement

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